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Friday, August 9, 2013

Abbott is 3 months old!

Abbott is 3 months old today, I can't believe it...

And since you missed out on the first 3 months of his life, here are his newborn pictures taken by Creative Images by Tammy. He was a pretty cute little guy. He was born on May 9, 2013 at 1:41 am and was 7 lb 14 oz, and was 20 inches long.

Here he is at 1 and 2 months:

And here he is today! Growing so much!

Of course, Elsie had to get in the picture too...she just got done playing in the bath for a little while.

He has rolled over a few times....once when he was just a couple weeks old, so that was a fluke, but he just rolled from his tummy to his back, but he was on a bunchy blanket so I think he got a little extra help :)

I can't wait to see how much he changes! And hopefully I will do better at scrapbooking things when I can look back on here instead of trying to remember to write things down.

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