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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Abbott is 4 months old!

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I drove around all morning, and worked all afternoon/evening, then when I got home, the internet wasn't working, so I guess today will have to work.

Abbott is 4 months old! I can't believe how fast the time is going. He is also getting so big. I unofficially weighed him today and he is 17.2 pounds and 26.5 inches long. I compared it with Elsie's measurements, and he weighs about 1 lb more, and is the same length. The kids are going to start going to a home daycare, and she has an almost 4 months old who is tiny compared to him, it makes me think he's extremely large, probably 80-90 percentiles. I think that's what Elsie was at this age anyways.

It's so neat to see him discover everything around him. He's getting pretty good at grabbing things in front of him, rolling from back to tummy, "talking", and he loves to smile! He also loves his bathtime! He's awesome at riding in the car, he hardly ever cries when we go places.

He's really a very happy baby. He gets crabby sometimes for Tom while I am at work, but I think he's just hungry and tired and wants mom :) I like to think that anyways. I think his little ears stick out more and more every day :) I just love the little guy!

Here are some other pictures.....big sis was at gpa and gma Fowler's house, so there are none with her. I'm sure she would have said "No take picture!!" the minute I would have aimed the camera at her though....that seems to be what she likes to do these days.

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