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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Quilt for Baby Cael

Taking a break from food posts...


Here is the project I have been working on in my free time and while Elsie was at Grandpa and Grandma Fowler's house. My brother and his girlfriend are having a little boy due in October, and I made this little quilt for the little guy.
It started out as a blanket for a little girl, because we were all pretty sure it was a girl, but a late u/s revealed it's a boy! I'm excited about that because him and Abbott can be little buds when they go to Grandpa and Grandma's house.
I purchased all of the fabric at Wal-Mart, because, well, I'm cheap, and I got the oil changed in our car there a while ago and had time to kill, and I liked these colors. The solid green was an old duvet cover that we used to use though. The colors are all really bright and fun, and I really like how it turned out.
I just used a random patterning of 4x4 and 4x8 pieces. I maybe wish there was some sort of repeating square pattern, but it's a little late for that now :)
Here are some more pictures:
Chevron backing, hand-stitched binding and quilting

Hand-stitched name and little deer (he's going to be a little hunter!)

All of the colors/prints used, binding is the same fabric as the solid green.


Can't wait to give it to them and to meet the little guy!

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