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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We bought a house.

So, we bought this house. We were sick of paying rent to someone else and decided it was time to buy a house and pay towards our own mortgage and build equity. Is our financial situation perfect for buying a house? No, but we did it anyways. Here are some pics. It needs a little work, but it's what we wanted in our starter home.

This isn't pictures of every room, but I will add more as we make changes. I need to upload some more pics, but here's what I have for now. Theses were all right before/some after we moved in and before we made any changes:

Our bedroom....probably the ugliest room in the house.

Back living space

Messy kitchen.

Dining room

Dining room from another view.

Stairs going upstairs.

Upstairs bathroom....also in contention for ugliest room.

How will I ever make this door normal?

Front living space

And I guess that's all I have for now. We have already made so many changes though. I have pretty much totally remodeled our bedroom, the dining room is different, and tons of little changes here and there.


  1. What! That's awesome! Where is it at? You'll make it amazing looking in no time.

  2. I have a comment! Haha, I didn't even know you knew of this blog. But yeah, it's in northeast Des Moines......definitely not a forever home, but we may rent it out or something. I need to post some more things....

    1. I saw it on your instagram once but always forgot to check it :) it's a cute house!! It will be fun for you to change stuff up.
