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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Chicken Cordon Bleu Mini Pizzas

It's pizza Sunday! I was feeling a little lazy today, so we used our convenience food that we buy for lazy days. These little pizza are super easy! I used to work at a pizza shop in Ames, Iowa, and these pizzas were inspired by a pizza they sold there. And we had the ingredients, so I decided to try them.

You'll want to start with a pizza pan, cookie sheet, or pizza stone. I like to have cornmeal on the bottom of my pizzas and it makes them not stick to the pan. So, I threw a little cornmeal on my cookie sheet, then opened a can of homestyle biscuits and pressed each one flat on my pan.

Then, add a little swirl of honey mustard and alfredo sauce.

Put on some ham. I also used a little bit of Meunster cheese because I thought it would be good, but I'm not sure you can even tell it's on there, so it's probably not necessary.

Then top with cut up chicken strips (I used a microwaved frozen chicken patty cut into cubes)

Top with Mozzarella cheese


Bake at 400 for 8-10 minutes.

And they're finished!


I thought these were pretty good, and would have been even better if I had made better sauces. I didn't have honey, so I just used corn syrup, and dijon mustard would be better than plain yellow mustard. Also, my small batch of alfredo didn't turn out like it usually does, mostly because we didn't have any Parmesan cheese so I used Mozzarella and the texture was weird. Overall, pretty good.

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