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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Apple Cheddar Pizza


It feels like fall's pretty awesome! So, I decided to make chili last night, and then decided to make a fall-ish side pizza. I had found a list of different kinds of pizza from Food Network magazine a while back, and apple cheddar with bacon pizza was on the list. I thought it sounded good, so we gave it a try!

I made my go-to thin crust dough, pressed it onto my old and gross pizza pan.

Then, added a little olive oil to the top.

Thinly sliced an apple. I'm not sure what kind they are....the little red ones. And got about 1/2 c. of sharp cheddar cheese out.
Then, I arranged the apple slices on the crust.

Added the cheese and it was ready to go into the oven!

While it was baking, I chopped up some fresh thyme (because I always have this on hand. Actually, I rarely use fresh herbs because they are expensive and I don't use them often enough, so I don't buy them.  But I decided to try some on here). I also fried some bacon earlier and crumbled that.

Pizza is all done baking
 Next, I drizzled a little maple syrup on top. ( I think this was too much...I would have liked it more with a little less)
Then, topped it with the thyme and bacon.

Chili and apple cheddar pizza

 Elsie INSISTED that I take a picture of her plate too. Then, she proceeded to not eat anything off of the plate. :/ It's hit or miss sometimes with her.

I have mixed feelings on this pizza. I really like the first piece right when it was fresh out of the oven, but then the next piece I wasn't so sure. Tom said it was ok. I had forewarned him that it was a side pizza, not just pizza for a meal. He decided he wants things either sweet or savory, and he just couldn't decide what this was. Elsie took one bite and said she didn't like it, but who knows with her.

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