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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Llewyn is 7 months!

This little bubba is 7 months old already! I'm not sure how the time has gone quite so fast, but he's just getting so big, and he's such a little chunk! Definitely the chubbiest baby out of the kids. He loves to eat food so much, sometimes I forget he's only 7 months old and doesn't even need food.

He wouldn't stop playing with the signs

Overall, he's such a good baby, you can pretty much always get him to smile, even when he's mad/crying. He loves to sit with Ellsworth and watch the big kids run around. Since this is the first post I have of him, here's the rest of his life so far:

 (this is 3 months, I somehow didn't take any pictures with the sign this month...)

Just such a cute, happy little chub. I love him so much!

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