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Friday, February 7, 2014

Getting so big...

1/12/14 I started typing this and was going to add photos, but never did, so now I am just posting it so I can keep track of these kids' milestones.

As I'm writing this, I'm watching my little buddy crawl around on the floor and push himself up to sitting position, playing independently with toys, and just being an awesome little guy who is getting so big! We are in the living room, and Tom has the bath water on, so I said, "Go get a bath" and he is crawling to the bathroom being a little big guy! It's just awesome to watch milestones big and small. He still loves Elsie, and just loves to watch everything she does.

Elsie is getting so big too....she just cracks me up sometimes. Lately, she has been saying, "Gosh, gosh dang it!" when she is trying to do something and having a tough time.....apparently, I say this? I don't really know where she picked it up! She's still a mama's girl, which is frustrating sometimes when Tom can help her and I'm doing something with Abbott, but she INSISTS on mommy helping her and throws a huge tantrum if we tell her daddy can help her. But at the end of the day, I love hearing her little voice say "Lay with me." when I put her in bed and we cuddle for a little bit. She's pretty sweet most of the time, and I love her. I need to take her to a check-up, but she seems extra tall and skinny, so I would be curious to see what percentiles she is.

Abbott is just growing every day! He is pulling himself up on furniture, and a couple days ago, instead of just saying dadadada, he said, "Mamama" It made me pretty ridiculously happy, even though I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying Mama. It was cute nonetheless. One thing I wish I could change about this child is his inability to sleep by himself in his crib right now. When he wakes up in the night, he must be laying beside, which is cute and cuddly and awesome sometimes, annoying other times. I still love him though!

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