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Monday, December 9, 2013

Abbott is 7 months!

This little guy is 7 months old. These months are going by incredibly quickly. Abbott is getting more and more grown up it seems every day. He is pretty good at sitting up by himself now, he still has times when he falls over, but he does pretty well. He is also starting to crawl! He has been able to get up on his hands and knees for a while, but he is now figuring out how to move around a little better.

He is just the happiest little guy I could imagine. He loves to play in his jumper or on the floor and if he gets even a little crabby, a cracker or a bath will calm him down and keep him entertained. He loves to eat! Cereal, squash, bananas, carrots, basically anything.....he wants it! He gets so excited when it's time to eat, it's pretty adorable.

I feel like him and Elsie look nothing alike. When I look back at pictures, it seems like she obviously looks like a girl (even though people called her a little boy), and Abbott just looks like a little guy. I guess they have similar eyes maybe, but that's about all I think!! Of course, she needed her picture taken too!

He just always is so smile-y and loves to laugh. I just love him. I feel like I say this all of the time, but it's true! He's my little best bud. He is also starting to babble more. Da-Da, Ba-Ba, are his favorites. He also sticks his tongue out and makes a noise sometimes. It's pretty cute.

Elsie is getting to be a stubborn little 2 year old. When I tell her to stop she yells back and points, "No YOU STOP!!" But she is really usually pretty good and her vocabulary is growing! Every day she says things that amaze me, and some that make us laugh. I told her that we were going to see Santa and she could ask for anything she wanted, like a toy or something she thinks is fun. Her response was "Candy. Please Santa, please" I suppose I can work with that :) She is growing up so fast! She has been potty trained for quite a while now, just wears a diaper at night. She has a little mind of her own, but I love her too, and she's beautiful and funny and cute most of the time!!

Some other recent pics: