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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We bought a house.

So, we bought this house. We were sick of paying rent to someone else and decided it was time to buy a house and pay towards our own mortgage and build equity. Is our financial situation perfect for buying a house? No, but we did it anyways. Here are some pics. It needs a little work, but it's what we wanted in our starter home.

This isn't pictures of every room, but I will add more as we make changes. I need to upload some more pics, but here's what I have for now. Theses were all right before/some after we moved in and before we made any changes:

Our bedroom....probably the ugliest room in the house.

Back living space

Messy kitchen.

Dining room

Dining room from another view.

Stairs going upstairs.

Upstairs bathroom....also in contention for ugliest room.

How will I ever make this door normal?

Front living space

And I guess that's all I have for now. We have already made so many changes though. I have pretty much totally remodeled our bedroom, the dining room is different, and tons of little changes here and there.

Abbott turned 2! (2.5 months ago....)

I've been awful at keeping track of things the last year. When I post them here they don't get lost, so I need to post this before he turns 3 and I don't even realize it! It's so hard to believe he's a little 2 year old. He's just the sweetest little boy (usually). He's even changed so much in the last couple months since his birthday. He didn't really start saying a ton of words until after his birthday, but he's getting some phrases down now. Each day, it seems like he's saying something new. He loves to play with toy guns, cars, animals, fingernail polish, and anything that Elsie is playing with.

We didn't have much of a party on his birthday, just a cool truck cake at home:

He weighs 28lb and is " tall.
Overall, he's a pretty good kid, he usually only gets in trouble when playing with Elsie. He loves to help and is just such a sweet little guy. My favorite word he says but mispronounces is "shep-up" for ketchup. It's adorable. I can't wait to see how much he changes before he turns 3!