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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Abbott is 1!

This post is a week late, but the pictures were from his birthday....haven't had time to sit down and post them.

I just can't believe a year has gone by since this little guy entered into the world. Here are some throwback pictures. He was such a beautiful newborn baby, it was love at first sight!

Going home

Meeting big sis. She loved him. So much that she wanted to pick him up and carry him everywhere...

The beginning of the monthly photos in a Ragababe new tie-dye cloth diaper. This was the only picture I took apparently.

But yeah, where has the last year gone?! He is now walking! I can't believe it. His hair is growing so much, and he has 3 teeth now, soon to be a 4th! I think at 1, he had just his 2 bottom ones though. He's just such a handsome, and happy little guy. My mom says he reminds her of me as a baby, calm and laid back. 

He was not in a happy mood for this photo shoot. He was cutting his top tooth and tired. Poor guy. He kept just wanting to grab the doll with his feet and push it away.....strange, I know. :)

Such a handsome little guy.....

Silly little baby teeth :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Abbott is 11 months old (and was 10 months old...oops)

Well, I seem to have missed posting for Abbott's 10 month birthday. But I took pictures, so I think we'll be ok. He is growing so much, and turning from a baby into a little boy and I just love him.

He got his first tooth a couple weeks ago, and the the second bottom tooth just popped in yesterday! He was a little crabby the last few days, but seems better today, so hopefully his tooth was just bothering him. We took his picture a day late, because working nights has made me very unorganized and life is crazy right now. Working nights was an adjustment, but it's not too bad now. Abbott sleeps in his crib the whole night now. He wakes up once or twice early in the night, but goes back to sleep on his own. He still loves food! Any and all food.....he definitely eats more than Elsie.

Here's a little glimpse of how much he wanted his picture taken, so we actually got a pretty decent one.

He was very tired and not very happy. Poor little guy.

He is starting to stand on his own sometimes, and has taken a couple steps!!! He is the perfect example of what you think of when you think of a baby learning how to walk! With Elsie, she didn't really try to stand and rarely pulled herself up until after she was 1. But he has been standing up on furniture for a while, and will try to stand and let go, he thinks he's so cute, and he's right! Now, I can stand him in front of me and he will take a couple steps then start falling. He's just getting so big I can't even believe it!

I know it's pretty early, but Jessica, their babysitter, agrees that he tries to say things sometimes. He says Elsie just like Logan, Elstha!, and he tries to Ellsworth also, and mama of course :) He's just such a perfect little baby, he's so lovable, curious, sweet, cute. Just awesome. As soon as he doesn't want to play in the toilet or Ellsworth food/water bowls, he will be even more perfect! :)

Here are some other pics from last month. I just never got around to posting a blog entry.

Playing in the bathtub.

And here are some more pictures from yesterday of him standing and just being cute :)

Look Mom! I'm standing by myself!

See, he's just so cute!! and lovable and great!

Then there's this crazy girl.....

I love her too! She is growing up so much and getting so big. She is all about doing things by herself. She has started to love getting cups of ice water for daddy. She will go in the kitchen and get ice of the freezer, put it in a glass and fill it with water and bring it to him. The other night, he said he wanted a glass of ice water. So she gets up to get it. I asked her where she was going. She turned her head and gave this little smirk and said, "I'll be right back". LOL She was trying to play it off like she wasn't going to go get it, and it was just hilarious. Tom and I were both laughing about it for a while. 

She definitely has a little attitude and likes to beat up on Abbott occassionally, but she's otherwise a pretty good little girl. She loves watching Over in the Meadow on YouTube, cracking eggs to cook things, playing "out-ow-side", and helping with everything. I can't believe she's going to be 3 soon....where has the time gone?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole with Venison

Here's a casserole I invented on a whim on my day off before a stretch of 3 work days, and I needed something so the rest of the fam wouldn't order pizza every. single. day. We were also slightly limited on ingredients on hand. So, I came up with bacon cheeseburger casserole!


Boiled the pasta until tender (there was about 1/3 of a box left)

Fried 3 strips of bacon

I drained the juice from my canned tomatoes, and chopped them up, there was still a little juice, but it worked. Combined that with the pasta, 3/4 lb Venison and onion mix I had frozen a little while ago, can of Cheddar cheese soup, 2 T. ketchup, 1 T. mustard, and 1/2 cup milk.

Mixed all of that up, and plopped it in a greased Casserole dish....this was my big one because there were too many noodles for the small one that I usually use. Then, I topped it with Sharp cheddar cheese and the crumbled bacon.

Then, I put it in the refrigerator for my husband to cook while I was at work. I'm guessing he cooked it at 375° for about 30 minutes, but we'll really never know. He texted me that night and said "Best casserole ever. Awesome" So, that made me feel pretty good, and this is what the pan looked like when I got home.

Sorry, these are awful pics. Maybe I will make it some night when I am home and take some photos of it. But overall, I would say success. The Make-do tuna casserole that I tried, however, ....well, that was a fail. This was pretty good....a little like a cheesy goulash, will definitely make it again!